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Taiwan Earthquake Live: Japan, Philippines issue Tsunami Warnings; Buildings Collapsed | N18L
uchetex · 6 Views

My Ex Has Addiction Issues | Whatever The Issue… IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT

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My Ex Has Addiction Issues | Whatever The Issue… IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT

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Today’s topic, "My Ex Has Addiction Issues," is unique and is one Coach Adrian has come across more often recently with his clients. Viewers will reach out to With My Ex Again, calling us for help, saying, “We keep breaking up,” or, “We have broken up because my ex has addiction issues.”

It’s a very sad situation because a lot of these individuals are amazing human beings who, despite their addiction issues, genuinely love their significant others and are trying to help them, whether the addiction is drugs, alcohol, pornography, or all sorts of addiction that crush the relationship, that hinders the relationship from being able to live out its full potential. Many clients who reach out under these conditions feel desperate and powerless when dealing with addiction in relationships. You want to be the savior and get your ex back. And often times it backfires because your ex keeps hurting you or because you actually have to lower your expectations and what you can accept to try to empower your ex.

The first thing to for you to acknowledge is that IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT. We’re all about personal development and taking accountability for your actions and failures, and shortcomings. But it's important for you to realize that in some cases, it transcends a process of personal development. In some cases, your ex is the one who needs to go through personal development or that needs treatment and support.

If that is the case, don't drive yourself crazy, trying to blame yourself or trying to come up with answers that you don’t have. The best thing that you can do is to be compassionate. The best thing that you can do is to love them while detaching yourself from the relationship, while being able to protect yourself, your psyche, your mind, and your heart, because you deserve stability too. You deserve to be loved and to be in a relationship with someone that is not going to continuously hurt you or disappoint you.

So, what you want to do in these types of situations is, of course, encourage your partner to seek the help that they need and if they have a support system - friends and family who are involved in their lives - we would urge you to voice your genuine, heartfelt concerned with them, without throwing your partner under the bus without alarming them but it's important for you to feel that the support system of your partner is aware of the reality that they face. And sometimes we feel like we don’t want to hurt our significant other, we don’t want to betray them by telling parents, or siblings, how bad things have gotten. But, the support system needs to know so that they can help too. And if there’s one person that you trust or that you have a good relationship with, perhaps you can start with them.


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Over the years we have helped people in all types of breakups, separation and divorces successfully get back together, and I highly encourage you to look into out how we’ve been so successful.

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It would truly be our pleasure to help you be and with the one you love, as always keep fighting the good fight and I wish you all the very best.

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Taiwan Earthquake Live: Japan, Philippines issue Tsunami Warnings; Buildings Collapsed | N18L
uchetex · 6 Views