Youmanitarian 07 Jun 2021

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How To Cut Your Food Bill In Half! | Clever Girl Finance
30 May 2023
How To Cut Your Food Bill In Half! | Clever Girl Finance
uchetex · 4 vistas

Understanding consumer’s food choice

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Donations would go to support charities for Animales de compañía

From the supermarket and restaurants to the gym and social media, we are overloaded with information about healthy and sustainable food everywhere. Wageningen University & Research investigates the factors that determine why consumers repeatedly buy and consume certain products. By combining fundamental and applied research, we want to understand the relation between a product’s sensory aspects, the emotions they trigger in the consumer, and the resulting acceptance of the product.

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How To Cut Your Food Bill In Half! | Clever Girl Finance
30 May 2023
How To Cut Your Food Bill In Half! | Clever Girl Finance
uchetex · 4 vistas