uchetex 04 Aug 2022

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Top 10 Work from Home Productivity Tips [PART 2] | The Art of Remote Work Series
30 May 2023
Top 10 Work from Home Productivity Tips [PART 2] | The Art of Remote Work Series
uchetex · 3 Views

Civil Rights Act of 1964: In Pursuit of Equality - Civil Rights in the U.S. Series | Academy 4 S...

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The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a landmark civil rights bill signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson on July 2, 1964. It banned employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, ****, or national origin. It also prohibited segregation and discrimination based on those characteristics in public facilities and federally funded programs. Additionally, it restricted discriminatory voting requirements.

**Find a transcripts, lesson plans, worksheets, and more at: https://academy4sc.org/topic/c....ivil-rights-act-of-1

**Think Further Questions:
1. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 struck down Jim Crow laws, which legalized racial segregation. However, American life is still not completely integrated. Where is there still segregation based on race? What are some reasons for this?
2. Why was it important to eliminate voting requirements like literacy tests?
3. How has the Civil Rights Act continued to be expanded? How should it continue to grow?

00:00 - Introduction
00:51 - The Civil Rights Act of 1964
01:12 - The History
03:39 - Why Care?

#academy4sc #civicseducation #elections

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Top 10 Work from Home Productivity Tips [PART 2] | The Art of Remote Work Series
30 May 2023
Top 10 Work from Home Productivity Tips [PART 2] | The Art of Remote Work Series
uchetex · 3 Views